Auction Catalog

Displaying all 12 items

Ben Bridge Flawless Perfume

Friends of Nathan Hale HS Foundation

Cookie Grab

Nathan Hale Foundation

Handmade Ornaments

Nathan Hale Foundation

Knitted Cap Grab

NHHS Knitters Ms Padilla, Ms Lindner, Ms Miyata, Ms Patt, Ms Marx-Thompson & Ms Konarska

Knitted caps for cold winter nights. Pick your favorite and take it home.

Knitted caps for cold winter nights. Pick your favorite and take it home.

Knitted caps for cold winter nights. Pick your favorite and take it home.

Landscape Design Consultation

Trillium Design

One month of Tai Chi and Kung Fu...

Seattle Asian Medicine and Martial Arts

Photo Booth

Nathan Hale Foundation


Friends of Nathan Hale HS Foundation

Poinsettias (1)

Friends of Nathan Hale HS Foundation

Spring Cleaning

Carpet Liquidators

Wine Grab

Nathan Hale Foundation

Woman's hair cut and multi dimen...

Lizzie Snips